GD Engineering, Robotics & Architecture

Jump to TED (Technology & Engineering Design)FMEE (Fluid Mechanics & Electrical Engineering)Robotics Coding with RobotCRobotics Coding with VEXcode V5 – ARCHITECTURE

Welcome to your one-stop shopping experience for Mr. Rocheleau’s classes. Bookmark this page so it will be easy to find homework assignments, project materials and examples, worksheets, text books, syllabuses, and more. These items will be posted when they are most needed to aid you in your journey, many are already here.  Use this site in conjunction with Google Classroom.  Assignments are posted and collected through Classroom.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or you feel as though you may not be understanding something. I am usually available during WIN block and after school on most days.

The following cat was placed here as a test image.  I like it, so it’s staying.  Enjoy the cat.